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Financial Aid FAQS


  1. What is Mount Union’s Federal School Code?

    The Federal School Code for Mount Union is 003083.

  2. What if I have a dispute about my federal student aid?

    如果我们无法回答您的问题或解决您关于联邦援助的问题, 教育部申诉专员小组随时为您解答.

    Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group
    Phone: 877-557-2575
    Fax: 606-396-4821
    Mail: FSA Ombudsman Group
    P.O. Box 1843
    Monticello, KY 42633

  3. Can I work on campus?

    All students are eligible to work an on-campus job. 每月收入直接进入学生的账户,可以作为学生账户的付款,也可以作为在校期间的消费. Some students will be eligible for Federal Work Study. Federal Work Study is a need-based federal fund offered to the student. 学生经济援助办公室将根据学生的经济需要确定资格. 如果学生的助学金上注明了联邦勤工俭学, 他们将有资格在社区服务职位之一工作. 社区服务的职位可在不同的地方,如联盟中学和基督教女青年会. All open student employment positions are listed on Handshake.

  4. What if I'm selected for verification?

    If you are selected for verification,我们需要收集文件以确认您的FAFSA信息. 这将包括一个验证表格和您的税务信息. 如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你还需要提供你父母的税务信息.

  5. What happens if my financial situation changes?

    如果发生任何影响你财务状况的重大变化,请联系学生经济援助办公室. 一些例子包括但不限于:离婚或父母分居, loss of a job, loss of untaxed income, increased uninsured medical expenses, or tuition paid to private elementary or high schools. 

  6. What would cause my aid award to change?

    调整可能是更新FASFA信息或提交验证或特殊情况表格等文件的结果. In addition, inaccurate information, notification of additional aid from outside sources, PLUS或私人(替代)教育贷款证明, change in housing, 或者州政府拨款数额的变化也可能导致财政援助的调整.

  7. 如果我在课程开始后决定退学,我的学费和助学金会怎么样?

    计划在本学期剩余时间内退学的学生, after classes have started, 通过在学生事务办公室填写退出表格来启动流程. 

    费用和获得的经济援助是根据学生在校园入学的日历天数(包括周末)的计算确定的,与入学期间(学期的日历天数)成正比。. 在入学时间的60%之后退学的学生将被收取整个学期的费用,并将有资格根据学期费用获得所有经济援助.


  8. How often do I need to apply for financial aid?

    Students must apply for financial aid EACH academic year. Students are encouraged to file online at 我们建议不要迟于3月1日提交申请,以确保及时收到经济援助包.

  9. What aid is available in the summer?

    学生可能有资格获得联邦或州基金,这取决于夏季入学人数(夏季课程或夏季课程的入学学分数量)以及来年秋季和春季学期的预计入学人数. 详情请与学生经济援助办公室联系.

  10. What if I decide to change my housing status?

    如果你的住房状况发生了变化,你的经济资助也会发生变化. If you change from on-campus to off-campus or commuter, your financial aid will be reduced by $3,000 per year ($1,500 per semester). There may be other changes to your financial aid as well. 如果您正在考虑更换住房,请联系学生经济援助办公室以获得经济援助估计.

    请注意:有大一/大二的居住要求. 您需要通过居住生活办公室完成校外居住申请, 你可能会被要求与财务援助代表会面. 如果你在过去完成了申请并且住在校外, you do not need to complete one again.

  11. What if I receive an outside scholarship?

    当收到外部奖学金时,学生必须通知学生经济援助办公室. 学生现在可以通过“同事”自我报告他们的校外奖学金 self-serviceA copy of the scholarship award letter, certificate, or check can serve as notification of this award. If any adjustment to the aid award must be made, 贷款和校园就业将在任何基于需求的奖励之前减少. 非联合大学奖学金的金额将始终在经济援助奖上显示, but once the payment has been received, it will show as a credit to the student's account.